My Resume
I am looking for SUITABLE employment. Please let me know if you can employ me (suitably).
Really I just need to have a bit of money but not work at Coles because I’ll have a panic attack.
I will tolerate a small amount of exploitation and/or abuse if it means I just don’t really have to do stuff that’s very hard or get stressed or talk to strangers or be trusted with much responsibility or have strict deadlines and if I can just spend a lot of time looking at Italian G pics that will be ideal.
Also, please don’t make me answer the phone or be a social media whizz or “liaise” or be a team player.
Skills and Strengths
opening tabs
closing tabs
clickin’ links
command + shift + T
command + T
command + F
emails (giving and receiving)
sites (
sick tracks (
long, healthy fingernails (scratch encrusted things off saucepan, headscratch etc.)
put things in the bin on your behalf and/or go in the bin
wear bin bag dress (purple)
arrange healthy snacks into colourful and enticing formation
talks about pigeons/Italian Greyhounds
smile/laugh (genuine)
spelling (horse/hoarse etc.)
command + X
Previous Work Experience
Sold a man my socks for $15. I don’t know why he wanted them because he already had socks but it was EASY and I had more socks at home anyways. I must be a good businesswoman because I bet those socks were only worth about 50 cents!
If you email me I will give you my mum’s number and she’ll tell you how good I am at drawing and she will probably tell you to take a multivitamin.